Defn: a human male displaying evidence of devolution - exhibits distinctive "caveman-like" tendencies. This man often dribbles in public places; cannot drink a beverage without spilling it on himself, the floor or someone else; may also run into objects like lampposts & bushes; has a definite "sloopish & short legged" running style that is slow and low to the ground, often resulting in the dragging of knuckles.

These throwback neanderthals, along with their questionable diet, should clearly be avoided.

Monday, October 3, 2011

9/25/11 - 10/1/11 Week in review

Managed to do back to back weeks of 30+ miles.  Quite happy with that in my mind, but my body is revolting.  (Let that breathe for a while).  This is not really a post on my body - old, tired and surgically enhanced repaired that it is. 
I will mention that since surgery, I've lost anything close to the speed I used to have.  I used to be able to do 8 minute miles for my long runs fairly easily.  Now, 9 minute miles are more likely.   I'm not sure if I'm okay with that, but I'm quite sure that I was never fast anyway - so, while it may take me longer to get from point "A" to point "B" - I'm enjoying the journey more.

The past week I ran 4 times - totalling 31+ miles.  Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and then Saturday for the District 38 fun run.   Was the inaugural event - 5K and 10K started at the same time and the 10K followed the 5K course to start -so I ran w/ my oldest daughter for the 5K and then I continued on to finish the 10K.  She did really good - finished strong and beat 28 minutes.  My second 5K I managed to do about 4 1/2 minutes faster - was really quite warm (mid 70's) throughout - it is October right?

Side note on #12 - he also ran the 10K.  The kid has been up to his armpits with Soccer for the past couple of months - that has been his only running.  On race day he was actually leading after the 1st 5K - just behind a 13 year old who won the 5K.  He faded somewhat on the second, hillier 5K but still managed to come in 4th overall.  Proud of him as always.  Amazed that he, as well as my daughter can run - and do well - with absolutely no training. 

Jealous: Yes.  Proud: Yes.  I think - with me training for something and them not training - I could still beat them.  But I'm not sure - especially in #12's case.  Age differences are catching up and impacting us.  Oh well.


  1. Nice Job Craig on another solid week! Looks like your knee is holding up well.
    Congrats to both your kids. That's very impressive what they can do.

  2. Good to see your runs are going well - I would say a slow down is better than NO running. Congrats to the kiddos on the races too! (Good genes, eh? ;-) )
