If it wasn't for the Pikes Peak Ascent coming up in 3 weeks from today - I'm not sure what I would be aiming for. Having knee surgery honestly sucks. It's been almost 3 weeks and for the past week I have noticed zero improvement in mobility, discomfort and pain in the knee / quad / thigh area. I've gone back to icing and wrapping it each day for a few hours - just because it feels better.
Reading others posts on PPA and PPM training is a little depressing - not just because I'm jealous of them (which I am). But more so that I am becoming more and more convinced that if I don't get running soon - I shouldn't even bother trying to get to the start line. PPA is a
I'm not a quitter though. DNS (did not start) is not something I want beside my name. DNF (did not finish) I could probably deal with, but wouldn't want to. DNT 9 (did not try) - that needs to be removed from my mind. I will start. I will finish. I may even stop the Eeyore mentality sometime soon.
Of all the training plans I have read for marathons etc - they recommend a 2 week taper. I think I am just going to call the 2 months before the Ascent an extended taper. Today is a new day - going to try 6 miles on the bike and maybe even hit the eliptical after. Next Saturday I will be running - somehow, somewhere.