Defn: a human male displaying evidence of devolution - exhibits distinctive "caveman-like" tendencies. This man often dribbles in public places; cannot drink a beverage without spilling it on himself, the floor or someone else; may also run into objects like lampposts & bushes; has a definite "sloopish & short legged" running style that is slow and low to the ground, often resulting in the dragging of knuckles.

These throwback neanderthals, along with their questionable diet, should clearly be avoided.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Weak in review, by Eeyore

I was hoping to be running by now.  I'm nowhere near ready - I have been on the stationary bike 4 times in the past week, going no more than 4 miles each time, once only 2 miles because I noticed I wasn't even putting any weight on the right foot pedal.  Going up and down stairs is awkward and uncomfortable.

If it wasn't for the Pikes Peak Ascent coming up in 3 weeks from today - I'm not sure what I would be aiming for.  Having knee surgery honestly sucks.  It's been almost 3 weeks and for the past week I have noticed zero improvement in mobility, discomfort and pain in the knee / quad / thigh area.  I've gone back to icing and wrapping it each day for a few hours - just because it feels better. 

Reading others posts on PPA and PPM training is a little depressing - not just because I'm jealous of them (which I am).  But more so that I am becoming more and more convinced that if I don't get running soon - I shouldn't even bother trying to get to the start line.  PPA is a little lot more than a 5K.  Many people could roll out of bed and finish a 5K with no training, very few I would think could climb Pikes Peak in less than 6 1/2 hours - with no training.

I'm not a quitter though.  DNS (did not start) is not something I want beside my name.  DNF (did not finish) I could probably deal with, but wouldn't want to.  DNT 9 (did not try) - that needs to be removed from my mind.  I will start.  I will finish.  I may even stop the Eeyore mentality sometime soon.
Of all the training plans I have read for marathons etc - they recommend a 2 week taper.  I think I am just going to call the 2 months before the Ascent an extended taper.  Today is a new day - going to try 6 miles on the bike and maybe even hit the eliptical after.  Next Saturday I will be running - somehow, somewhere.


  1. Sorry to hear the knee is not getting much better. Keep your head up. You will get better! It just might not be in the time frame you would like.

  2. Chin up Craig - it will be worth the wait!

  3. ONE

    Seriously ... a lot can happen in 3 weeks.

  4. Like (possibly) most people, I'm impatient and don't being unable to do things that I want to do. So, thanks everyone for the encouragement and bear with me
