Defn: a human male displaying evidence of devolution - exhibits distinctive "caveman-like" tendencies. This man often dribbles in public places; cannot drink a beverage without spilling it on himself, the floor or someone else; may also run into objects like lampposts & bushes; has a definite "sloopish & short legged" running style that is slow and low to the ground, often resulting in the dragging of knuckles.

These throwback neanderthals, along with their questionable diet, should clearly be avoided.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

50K training week 7

Really getting into the beginning of the heavy training blocks now for the big race coming up in 10 weeks, as a result - my body is tired, more-so the noggin than my legs.  But when I dwell on how mentally tired I am - I find myself coming up with excuses to run softer, or even not run at all.  Case in point - I was going to run 13 miles after work last Sunday, but it was snowing somewhat, so I bagged the run and read a book instead.

I have run in much worse conditions the past few months, but I just didn't want to this day.  As I then looked at other runs lined up for the week, I reshuffled things around but due to work schedules it meant that I would have 2 long runs on back to back days at the end of the week - when I would be even more tired.  So - the excuse to not run at all had the potential to upset later runs in the week.  I was not looking forward to Friday and Saturday.

Monday I did an easy and fairly unproductive 8 miles on Santa Fe Trail.  Just an out and back at an easy 8:40 pace.  In reality it was just a mileage filler.  Probably has some benefit down the road, but I couldn't on the day and can't now say it was a very purposeful run.

Tuesday was supposed to be a Mt Herman double lapper, 10 steps into my run I was looking for a place to lie down and take a nap.  I was so tired.  I had the day off work so I knew I could take all day - but again my mind was saying just don't run at all.  Adding to the lethargy was Sunday's snow was heavier on Mt Herman, especially on the Northern, heavily treed side which has yet to get the sun on most of it this year - so a snowy track made things even slower for me.  I plodded / shuffled / meandered around the first lap - my slowest time ever and I was battling the mindset to quit the whole time.  I finally finished the lap and decided that instead of bailing out on the next lap I would shuffle around for a few more miles.  I found another trail near the parking lot and went out that 1 1/2 miles and then back.  So I ended up with 11 on the day - at well over 3 hours.  Pitiful.

The possibility and likelihood of me just cutting the desired 65 mile week short was now there.  And frankly it didn't bother me much at all.  Next day I was only going to do 6 miles, then take Thursday off to try enjoy absorb a much needed rest day.  I parked at Baptist Rd where the Santa Fe Trail is really quite flat and went North 3 miles, intending to just do an easy recovery run.  I went out at an 8:30 pace, a little quicker than my normal easy run pace - and felt okay.  During these 3 miles I also came up with the idea that I had enough time (before work) to tack on the extra 5 miles from the day before.  I was actually feeling fairly fresh - so I continued on at the 8:30 average.  So, after 5 1/2 miles into the run I turned around and by now I was thinking I could turn the last 5 1/2 miles into a tempo run.  I wanted a 7:30 pace and got going - after a few steps I looked at my watch and it was telling me 7:20 average.  Okay, felt not too bad.  So I went with it - for 3 1/2 more miles.  Still feeling good.  2 miles to go, what else do I have?  How about try a 7 minute mile?  Sure enough, that was okay too.  Not easy, but still manageable.  1 mile to go, go time.  Last mile at 6:40.  Where that came from - especially being mile 11 of the run - I have no idea, but needless to say my mind funk was pushed aside. 

Thursday off. 

Friday, 22 mile long run on tap.  Started at Northgate trailhead and went North on Santa Fe Trail, up to Palmer Lake, joined the connector trail to the Greenland Trail and then followed that to the turn off to Kipps Loop.  That was 11 miles and a good place to turn around.  After going out at an easy 8:50 pace I then came back at an 8:40 pace.  Felt comfortable.  Last 4 or so miles the breeze into my face picked up, adding to the fatigue, but I managed to hang on and finish the 22 miles without slacking off the time.  A decent, but not great run just over 3 hours and 12 minutes.

Saturday: had the day off work and kids soccer games were not until noon - so I had time to meet up with Steve and we did a conversational lap of the Falcon Trail.  Was a good and easy run, 2:03, and made all the more better by sharing the trail with Steve - along with approx. 4 or 5 dozen other runners and Mtn bikers. 

So, 65 miles for the week.  A mental roller coaster that was not particularly great.  But that is behind me now and I look forward to a planned easy / recovery 40 mile week.

1 comment:

  1. Great running with you as always! Not sure if it was good to be the tail end of the mental roller coaster or not ;)
